Fourche Creek Storm Drain Decals

Help Friends of Fourche Creek mark storm drains across the watershed.

Friends of Fourche Creek needs volunteers to help us place storm drain decals across the watershed. Audubon Arkansas will provide the decals and special adhesive for free. Contact Dan Scheiman to make pickup/delivery arrangements for your group.

The majority of Little Rock is in the Fourche Creek Watershed. Anything that flows down a storm drain goes untreated into Fourche Creek. Storm drains do not empty to water treatment facilities, they empty directly into creeks. Rain water picks up trash, motor oil, pet waste, and other pollutants. Polluted water hurts people, plants, and animals, like the fish many people enjoy taking out of the creeks. Just one quart of motor oil can ruin 250,000 gallons of water. Please don’t dump trash, chemicals, and yard waste into the street or down a storm drain.

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